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John Parker foreshadowed the idea of such a club in mid 2003, at a Quambatook Tractor Pullers meeting.   John wanted to preserve old machinery that was instrumental in the development of the Mallee, and this area in particular, before it was all lost to scrap.   He also wanted to make use of the excellent Tractor Pulling facility whilst promoting the Quambatook community & district.

John, along with Trevor & Norma Bennett, attended a meeting of the Border Flywheelers in Barham later that year for some inspiration and the first official meeting of the Quambatook Heritage Working Machinery Association was held in September 2004.   John was elected as President, and held the position until the time of his tragic death in May 2007.   He was keen to run a dedicated Harvest day in January 2005 and organised in agreement with the Tractor Pullers to sow some crops at the complex.   This would be harvested during the event over the Australia Day Weekend in January 2006.

He had already started collecting old machinery such as harvesters, headers, stripper, a winnower, and an extensive collection of tractors.  He bought old gear at clearing sales from all around the country which took years to pick up and deliver to Quambatook.

Following regular meetings during 2005, the first ‘Harvest Working Machinery’ days were held in January 2006 which proved to be a great success with local tractors and machinery taking part as well as many from far and wide.   Mid 2006 saw the erection of a 40 metre x 21 metre shed to house the growing collection.

This is some of the extensive collection: 1926 McKay auto header, Shearer stripper, Robinson winnower, 1903 Canadian Massey Harris harvester, Robinson ‘Little E’ harvester built in 1916.  Among the tractors are: John Deere,  Fordson, Chamberlain, Twin City, Allis Chalmers, Lanz Bulldog, International, Ferguson and a restored 1925 Wallis.  An unusual item is a 435 John Deere with original two cylinder GM engine.   The collection also includes several 1960-70’s auto headers.

Some of the tractors are put to work pulling old mouldboard ploughs and cultivators.  One such is a restored 5020 John Deere pulling an original Shearer ‘Majestic’ disc plough.

The Harvest Machinery Working Days are held Australia Day weekend in January each year at the Quambatook Tractor Pull Complex.   In addition to the working demonstrations there are also static displays, vintage cars, trucks, motorcycles and stationary engines.

The QHWMA welcome inspections at any time by appointment.

For more information please contact:

Doug Carroll  0427 346634 or Ian Fisher  0427 571381